


我國原住民族委員會與太平洋友邦馬紹爾群島共和國文化及內政部簽署「南島民族文化事務合作協定」,雙邊在臺北召開「簽署記者會」,由原民會夷將Icyang主委及馬紹爾群島共和國文化及內政部亞曼達‧馬修(Amenta Matthew)部長分別代表雙方政府簽署,記者會由阿美族傳統祈福儀式揭開序幕,夷將Icyang主委及亞曼達‧馬修部長於簽署儀式後,接著雙邊分別進行樂舞展演,展現南島民族豐美的文化,場面熱鬧溫馨。





強化南島交流─我國原住民族委員會主委與友邦馬紹爾群島共和國文化及內政部長共同簽署南島民族文化事務合作協定(English Version)

Strengthen Austronesian Exchanges – Agreement for Cooperation on Austronesian Peoples Cultural Affairs Signed by Minister of the Council of Indigenous Peoples and Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs of the Republic of the Marshall Islands

Today, the Council of indigenous Peoples signed the Agreement for Cooperation on Austronesian Peoples Cultural Affairs with the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, our Pacific ally. The Press Conference for Signing Ceremony was jointly held in Taipei by both parties, in which Minister Icyang from Council of Indigenous Peoples and Minister Amenta Matthew from the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs of the Republic of the Marshall Islands signed the agreement on behalf of respective governments. The press conference began with a traditional blessing ceremony performed by the Amis People. After the signing ceremony by both Minister Icyang and Minister Amenta Matthew, songs and dances were respectively performed by both parties, the warm and festive scene showcased the rich and beautiful culture of the Austronesian Peoples.

Minister Icyang stated that the contents of the agreement are based on reciprocity, with exchanges and cooperation in many fields including language and culture, traditional wisdom and skill, economy, and sports. The important theme of climate change is specifically included so that, utilizing the age-old wisdom accumulated by our Austronesian ancestors, both parties can jointly combat the environment and challenges brought about by modernization.

Minister Amenta Matthew stated that since the formalization of the diplomatic ties between Taiwan and the Marshall Islands 20 years ago in 1998, the bilateral exchanges have been close and unique. This is due to the shared principles of democracy and freedom, as well as the shared Austronesian heritage between the two nations. Minister Amenta also conveyed her commitment to working closely with CIP through the signing of the agreement, and to promote the preservation of the Austronesian culture. This is the right direction which will strengthen the substantial exchanges between the peoples of the two nations.

Minister Icyang further pointed out that this agreement was approved by the Executive Yuan end of last year. It is the first bilateral agreement for cooperation signed with our Pacific allies since the establishment of CIP. It is also the first bilateral agreement for cooperation on Austronesian Peoples cultural affairs since the activation of the Austronesian Forum. Our two nations shall continue to implement the contents of the agreement, and jointly promote the various cooperation projects of the Austronesian Forum to facilitate the sustainable development of the Austronesian culture circle.






